River and the Doctor
A few months back I thought I’d try to track River Song through the Doctor’s timeline. After about a week of research, and another week of rewatching the episodes to double-check, I came up with this list. At the time of writing, this list includes all of River Song’s interactions with the Doctor following her chronology.
S06E07 - A Good Man Goes to War
S06E01 - The Impossible Astronaut
S06E02 - Day of the Moon
S06E08 - Let’s Kill Hitler
S06E12 - Closing Time
S06E13 - The Wedding of River Song
S06E16 - First Night
S06E17 - Last Night
S06E15 - Good Night
S06E14 - Bad Night
S05E12 - The Pandorica Opens
S05E13 - The Big Bang
S06E07 - A Good Man Goes to War
S06E01 - The Impossible Astronaut
S06E02 - Day of the Moon
S05E04 - The Time of Angels
S05E05 - Flesh and Stone
S07E05 - The Angels Take Manhattan
S04E09 - Silence in the Library
S04E10 - Forest of the Dead
S07E08 - The Name of the Doctor