Portfolio Progress
I’ve debated whether I want to post anything to my blog as to the status of any animation projects, but I’ve decided that since my current project is simply to build a portfolio, and is being funded internally I don’t really have anything holding me back from making announcements as to my progress. Earlier this week I got to a point which I am happy with for my character models. Here’s a test render of one of them: I haven’t started rigging, yet. Mostly because that’s a step which I am not terribly familiar with. I’ve seen it done, and I’ve worked with rigged models, but I haven’t actually set one up myself, so that will be interesting. I’ve also taken a couple steps back and written down some of the formal paperwork involved in a project such as this. I began writing out a project proposal outlining my objectives, any specific goals I wish to achieve, a timeline for completing the project, and a budget for any supplies that I may need. The animation didn’t really have a plot when this project first picked up, but while I was re-imagining the setting I began to wonder why the events are taking place within the animation. So I started writing down a proper screenplay so that I can have a reference to return to when I begin to feel burned out or lose the sense of creativity.